Charisms of the Order
Religious Life is Christianity in the form of celibacy, obedience and poverty. We must emphasise that the Lord is the beloved, and in Him, the Father and the Spirit. The Lord, the Father and the Spirit are loved to the extent that they come before all else - ego, riches, everything prized by human beings.
Sentinels of the Kingdom
Religious life manifests Christianity in the form of a celibate, common life. The Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata defines this as "an anticipation of life in that definitive world" which is the Kingdom. The emphasis and recovery of the eschatological character of this choice of life is fundamental to the formation of Servites.
Companions of the Lowly
Servites radicalize and make prophetic this central aspect of the common Christian experience to the extent that one could say that the witness of fraternal communion is the "primary service" we offer to the world. And we do this with the humility which is characteristic of Servites